Install BuildWise Server on Windows

BuildWise server runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. The article shows the installation instructions for Windows, the process is qutie similar for Linux and Mac.


  1. RubyShell,
    RubyShell packages ruby and gems required for running BuildWise and Selenium tests. If you are using standard Ruby, refer for installing the gems.
  2. Git Windows,
  3. MySQL Server Community Edition, (The version used: 5.7.11)

    Remember the password for root

    Also you may be required to install Visual C++ 2013 redistribution package for Windows server editions. In this case, google the package and install the 32-bit version.

  4. Sample test projects in Git,
  5. BuildWise server,

Create database for BuildWise

C:\work>"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqladmin.exe" -uroot -p create buildwise_production
Enter password: *********

Clone test project locally

cd c:\work
git clone

Set database password in config/database.yml

Make sure putting a space afer :

Change port number start-up.bat

By default, the port is set to 3618. You can change it in start-up.bat
