Clone existing project to set up a Quick Build project to run cucumber tests

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The test project

The key file is Rakefile, which BuildWise invokes to run selected cucumber feature tests

I highlight some differences from the Rakefile for RSpec:

  1. Require Cucumber's built-in Rake task defititions
    require 'cucumber'
    require 'cucumber/rake/task'
  2. Specify the feature files to run
    def features_for_quick_build
      # list test files to be run in a quick build
    The method is used in task:"ui_tests:quick").
  3. Cucumber running options:
      # feel free to add/rmeove formatter, junit is required for CI reporting
      t.cucumber_opts = [
        "--format progress -o log/features.log",
        "--format junit    -o log/",
        "--format html     -o log/features.html",
        # "--format pretty",      # can be quite lengthy
    The important format option for CI server here is junit, which generates test results in JUnit style. Most CI servers support this style.